One thing women want to know before becoming a surrogate is why teaming up with an agency is a good idea.
Surrogates have the unique ability to help make parenthood dreams come true. There’s no doubt that surrogacy brings so much joy.
Here are a few common questions surrogacy agencies hear from women wanting to be surrogates.
Will the Baby I Carry Be Biologically Mine?
Surrogacy agencies only partner with gestational surrogates. In addition, this means the women are not biologically related to the babies they are carrying.
Though in vitro fertilization (IVF), the surrogate has an embryo transfer. The egg used to fertilize the embryo is either from an egg donor or the intending mother.
Why Should I Go with A Surrogacy Agency?
The decision to go with an agency is a personal one. Equally important, potential surrogates should understand what a surrogacy agency can do for them. The advantages of going with a company can help a woman with the following:
- Determine the compensation
- Receive monthly payments
- Have a life insurance policy
- Have a surrogacy attorney to draft all documents
- Travel arrangements if needed
- Receive emotional support through counseling with a licensed therapist
- Be matched with intending parents based on personal preferences
As a matter of fact, surrogates find that teaming up with a reputable agency is a great asset in their surrogacy journey.
Do I Need To Pay For Anything?
At reputable agencies, surrogates do not need to pay for anything related to the surrogacy. An escrow account pays for all medical appointments and screenings. Likewise, it is the intended parents that fund this account.
The legal contract will spell out how the intended parents will be financially responsible for their surrogate’s reasonable expenses. Examples of this include childcare reimbursement or loss of income at the workplace.
How Do I Get Paid?
Reputable agencies typically offer direct deposit. Rather than having to wait for a check, surrogacy agencies find that their surrogates prefer a direct deposit.
In addition to a base compensation, women may be eligible to receive additional payments in the following areas:
- Repeat surrogate
- Carrying twins
- Maternity clothes
- Bed rest
- Embryo transfer
Agencies will also offer their surrogates a monthly allowance for expenses directly incurred from the surrogacy. These monthly amounts can start at $150.
After a pregnancy confirmation, a surrogate will begin to receive her monthly payments. While each surrogacy agency is different, most split these payments into ten months.
Following the delivery, a surrogate receives her remaining balance.
A lot is going on behind the scenes in a surrogacy arrangement. An agency can help navigate this process to make the surrogacy a memorable one for their surrogates.